Why Aren’t You Following, Sharing, and Engaging?
Do You Like It?
Will You Share It?
Will You Tell Someone Else?
What if Andy Warhol created an art piece of a Campbell’s Soup Can and no one saw it? Just like an installation at an art gallery, content creators vie for space in the big, bad social media gallery.
Just like Warhol, we all want you to like it, share it with others and engage in conversation about it. And, follow us for more!
Come on, what are you waiting for!?
Alright, let’s get real for a minute. You’re scrolling through your feed, sipping your third cup of coffee, and suddenly… BAM! You see a post that makes you chuckle, gets your brain ticking, or strikes the right chord. You love it. But here’s the thing: you don’t hit follow, you don’t leave a comment, and you definitely don’t share it with your cousin Dolly who would love this post as much as you.
Why? What’s stopping you? Let’s look into this mysterious online behavior.
1. You’ve Got Trust Issues
No judgment here! Following someone is like the social media equivalent of saying “I trust you not to spam me with random nonsense.” You want consistent content that delivers what’s interesting and relevant to you. But, here’s the thing, how will you know if you don’t stick around a while to find out? Sometimes, taking that leap of faith could introduce you to a whole new world of quality content. Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know and may miss an opportunity to know something different. *That was a mouthful, ya know!?
So go ahead, be brave. Hit that follow button. If we disappoint, you can always ghost us later. No hard feelings.
2. You Like to Scroll Silently
We get it, commenting takes effort. You have to think of something witty, make sure it sounds right, and avoid sounding weird. But here’s the deal: we don’t need you to write a long paragraph for explanation. A simple "LOL" or “this is great!” works wonders. Your engagement tells creators what you want to see more of, and it helps boost the algorithm so other people can enjoy it too. Plus, you get to be a part of the conversation.
Maybe sometimes you find our content interesting, and sometimes you don’t. That’s ok, too! Let us know in the comments what we can do better to keep you around longer.
3. You Don't Want to Flood Your Friends
I see you. You love the content, but sharing is another other level of commitment. “What if my friends don’t care?” “What if I’m THAT person flooding everyone’s feed?” But guess what? If they’re your friends, they’re probably just as cool as you are and may enjoy it too. And if not, shrugs, that’s what the “unfollow” button is for. Don’t be afraid to spread the good stuff.
We get it that all content isn’t for all people, that’s a fact! Try not to over think it, if you like it, share it so others can form their opinions, and maybe they will like it too! It’s all ok.
4. Looking for a Little Inspiration?
We know you’re out there—scrolling through your feed, soaking up the content, and waiting for the right moment to jump in. You’re being cool, stealthy, and watching it all unfold. But here’s the kicker: if you’re always lurking and never engaging, how will the creators know what inspires you? We want to give you more of what you came for, but you’ve gotta let us know!
We can take the bad news with the good. Take a chance and tell us what’s bad and let us make a correction. How will else will we know what inspires you and give you more?
5. You Forgot. It Happens.
Sometimes life gets busy, and you see something cool but forget to double-tap or share. No biggie! But now’s the time to remember—your quick reaction could help us create even more awesome content for you. Let your fingers do the tapping on the like button and share when you can!
Some of us are just as guilty, but if we didn’t share this with you, how would you know how valuable your engagement is to us? Also, it sets a reminder in our own brains to practice what we preach!
TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read? But You Should!)
Following, sharing, and engaging isn’t just about boosting numbers. It’s about building a community, supporting the content you love, and making sure it sticks around. So the next time you see something that makes you think, laugh, or feel inspired, don’t be shy—hit that like, leave a comment, share it with your friends, and follow along for more good stuff.
Now, tell me—what stops you from engaging? Let’s hear it in the comments! 👇
Ok! You made it all the way through this post! Thank you very much!
Since you are all the way here, take a look at some content I would like to share with you:
The Power of Partnership: A Couples Website
From Boomers to Alpha: A Social Media Marketing Journey Through the Generations
How Social Media Marketing Empowers Older Entrepreneurs
Be honest with me….. did you read the links? If you don’t comment below I’ll know you didn’t! But, we’re good, maybe next time.